Our Clients
Who Do We Serve
Our clients are 90% working poor, mostly Hispanic families and 10% are homeless. They are almost all “in transition” in their lives. They are single mothers with preschoolers, unemployed day laborers, professionals who may have been apart of downsizing or persons simply experiencing extreme financial difficulties. Migrants are helped through our outreach program.
We are not interested in “why” they have come to us – only that we demonstrate a “caring, sharing, and serving” response to their needs. We serve from 80 to 120 clients each day. This varies depending on the weather, job availability, and when children are out of school. On Thanksgiving day, we have served as many as 250 meals. In 2022, we served over 19,300 meals.
Just Some Of Our Clients - How The Cafe' Works
Sharon’s life changed when she had a massive stroke at age 25. She had no financial help or a place to live and was living in the woods. She felt her life changed when she came to the Café as she received food, clothing, spiritual support and financial help. She remained homeless but she thanked God that the Café was there with help and support for her. She since has been in rehab and has been drug free for many years, has a job and a home.
Geraldo arrived with the clothes on his back and a small back pack. Besides a hot meal and a bag of groceries he was given a voucher to buy work shoes for a job.
Chris now has a job as a waiter at a Bonita Restaurant and is living independently. We helped purchase his uniform for work.



